Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So. Im not really the I'll-blog-about-everything-cos-Im-good-at-it type. Im only the type who writes a blog cos I just love telling people stories. I have a twitter and all that but it just doesnt seem enough. Like when a good story just came up and you wanna tweet about it but it exceeds 140 characters so you end up not tweeting about it at all or using Twitlonger.. Which brings us to the fact that people are most likely to ignore that twitlonger link than clicking on it and hear about your story. I just like writing down whatever it is that goes through my head at the time. And Im the kind who talks too much that's why 140 characters is WAAAY too short for me. I only get to "not exceed" it when I tweet about what I had for lunch, or when I say goodnight, or when I get crazy mad about traffic-- well that usually exceeds it but yeah sometimes I get too lazy to write and there comes Twitter giving you the ability to write less and have more sense. (or not have any sense at all but hey, who cares as long as it's under 140 characters, right?) Okay back to my story. So I like writing about random stuff that happens, unexpectedly or inteded. Or maybe was just bored at the time. (Happens all the time) For example, one time there was this cute guy from my old neighborhood, I was about 13 then and it was a wet afternoon cos it just rained. I bet you know where this is going. You're right, I slipped. But that's not the end of my story YET. So I was wearing this loose floral skirt (that was kind of my favorite skirt then too) to church and I bumped into him on my way home. And since I haven't seen him in awhile after we moved, I was really shocked after seeing him that I accidentally stared at him for too long that's why I didnt notice this upcoming puddle on the road and made me fell.. On my knees, with my skirt up, and my panties showing. Okay maybe it wasnt the most embarrassing story there is but for me it was. I couldnt stop thinking about it for weeks. But good thing we're not neighbors anymore. I wish I never bump into him ever again just for the sake of how embarrassing it was. I stopped caring how cute he was right after that. Lol. So that's my story. Nothing big and smart and political. Just.. Crazy and what usually happens in real life. Well maybe someday if ever I get hit by the gods of all things with a point, I might start writing something with sense. Maybe something deep, meaningful and poetic.. Nahh maybe not the poetic part. But you'll never know! Ha. So that's the end of this post. My bb's running out of life. Ciao! :-)

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